Masya Allah! Hubby brought back lots of durian but he went for a course for a week! In the end, my father, the kids and I have to finish the durian. Some of the durian has turned mushy so I grabbed a big knife and started to open all of the durian; some of them to make this light and fluffy chiffon cake, some to be eaten just as it is and some to make tempoyak. So, lets have a look at the recipe.
Diva Durian Chiffon Cake
8 egg yolks
80 g castor sugar
80 g vegetable oil
60 ml milk
Mix well all these ingredients with a blender or electric mixer.
8 white yolks
80 g castor sugar
1/2 tsp cream of tartar
1.Mix these ingredients so that it will be a meringue.
2. Beat the egg whites until soft peak starts to form.
3. Add in sugar and cream of tartar and mix till it's hard. It's done when you turn over the bowl and the meringue doesn't fall.
180 g wheat flour
20 g corn flour
1. Beat flour with mixture A.
2. Add in mixture with a spatula and fold over the mixtures till well incorporate.
3. Pour the mixtures in a baking pan that has been lined.
4. Baked at about 180 degrees Celsius for about an hour or so till it's ready.
Tuesday, December 24, 2013
Sunday, December 1, 2013
Diva Durian Crepe
I've been watching this famous durian crepe being so popular for almost half a year now. Though it was sold expensively (to me), people still buy it because of the so called heavenly taste. Durian in Miri is quite expensive, selling as high as RM20 per kg! I was very tempted to do the famous durian crepe but never get the chance of doing it, because of the high price of the durian. But yesterday, we have lots of durian, so today I made it for breakfast! Oh-so-heavenly-taste-and-of-course-waist-expander! Hehehe.. This crepe needs skill. The skill of cooking the crepe so that it won't burn. I see that most people (in their blogs) do the crepes first before putting the durian and cream and folding it. But I'm used of making Chinese's kuih sengkuang and Malay's Kuih Jala Berinti, so I just simply assemble the durian crepe right away, one by one, while making the crepe. Please take note that the batter of the crepe is very light so you need to take the pan from the stove while pouring the batter on it, and make sure to cook the crepe MAXIMUM for a minute, below a minute is best. This is the original recipe but I double it to get 20 pieces.
Diva Durian Crepe
1 egg
200g flour
1 tbsp starch flour
2 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp melted butter
200 fresh milk / evaporated milk
1 tsp yellow coloring (or any color that you like)
Durian flesh
Whipped cream (I use Top Pride ready to whip whipping cream)
1. Mix all of the ingredients for the crepe. Whisk till smooth. You can just blend it if you are too lazy.
2. Put one big ladle of the mixture on a non stick pan that has been heated at a slow heat. Make sure not too over cook it.
3. Put 1 tbsp of durian flesh and 1 tbsp of whipped cream and fold the crepe in rectangular shape.
4. Ready to be eaten and enjoy the smoothness and heavenly taste of the crepe!
Diva Durian Crepe
1 egg
200g flour
1 tbsp starch flour
2 tbsp sugar
3 tbsp melted butter
200 fresh milk / evaporated milk
1 tsp yellow coloring (or any color that you like)
Durian flesh
Whipped cream (I use Top Pride ready to whip whipping cream)
1. Mix all of the ingredients for the crepe. Whisk till smooth. You can just blend it if you are too lazy.
2. Put one big ladle of the mixture on a non stick pan that has been heated at a slow heat. Make sure not too over cook it.
3. Put 1 tbsp of durian flesh and 1 tbsp of whipped cream and fold the crepe in rectangular shape.
4. Ready to be eaten and enjoy the smoothness and heavenly taste of the crepe!
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
The Power Of Doa (Pray)
Assalamualaikum and a very happy day to all readers. As some of you noticed, I've disabled my blog for a week since last week, after my blog had been trolled by someone who introduced himself/herself as a teacher from MARA. He/she trolled my blog after he/she unsatisfied with my action of fighting for daughter's right at school. I won't discussed this matter here in my blog because it's quite sensitive and I've learned my lesson well from that matter. True colors of people, people whom you think will support you in many ways, will understand you the way you want them to understand, are sadly not reflected by their words, just because they didn't get the idea of what and why you are fighting. Enough of that matter.
Power of Doa (Pray). After the incident, I never lose hope of praying. When you lose hope, no matter what religion you are, remember that our God is always right here with us. Pray. Talk to him. Cry if you want to. You'll be surprised of what will happen. You'll be very glad that even though sometimes it doesn't happen like the way you want it to, you will feel a very huge relief, sweeping all your fears and doubts in your life.
As to the hater whom I'm pretty sure is struggling to find a way to troll my blog, I don't have a problem with you. You have a big problem with yourself. I'm not afraid of you. Find your own way to upgrade yourself, your life, and to you it may seem that my blog is nothing, but to some of my fellow readers, my blog is for them to learn something. It's a way of sedekah / alms, from me to them.
Power of Doa (Pray). After the incident, I never lose hope of praying. When you lose hope, no matter what religion you are, remember that our God is always right here with us. Pray. Talk to him. Cry if you want to. You'll be surprised of what will happen. You'll be very glad that even though sometimes it doesn't happen like the way you want it to, you will feel a very huge relief, sweeping all your fears and doubts in your life.
As to the hater whom I'm pretty sure is struggling to find a way to troll my blog, I don't have a problem with you. You have a big problem with yourself. I'm not afraid of you. Find your own way to upgrade yourself, your life, and to you it may seem that my blog is nothing, but to some of my fellow readers, my blog is for them to learn something. It's a way of sedekah / alms, from me to them.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Confinement Diva Style!
My new baby, Daria Basyarah is 6 weeks plus today (born on the 15th May 2013). Alhamdulillah. I don't use the Malay style of confinement, where their time of confinement takes 44 days to 60 days. My mom is a Chinese (but her mom is a Bidayuh) so I use the Chinese confinement duration of 30 days.
I will list all the items that I use during my confinement days, that will guarantee you the satisfaction and benefits for your health and beauty. But it also needs discipline and also, with Allah's will (Insya Allah).
1. Sendayu Tinggi Amme 60's Days set and Pati Haruan
I've been using this product since my 3rd baby, Darwisyah, that was during 2007. It's the best confinement product that takes care inner and outer of a postnatal woman. They've been upgrading their product this year and it is so much easier to use and I can guarantee you the best result! I warn you, even you're husband would be tempted to 'touch' you. Hehehe... It costs around RM430+- for one set (can't remember the exact price) and you have to buy the Pati Haruan together which cost around RM30+-. When you drink the Pati Haruan, you can feel your uterus contacts strongly, to fasten the process of shrinking. Bear in mind that a woman's original uterus is the size of a fist and during our pregnancy, the uterus grows bigger and bigger to accomodate our baby. Breastfeeding really helps a lot to shrink the uterus faster and it also shortens the length of time of our postnatal bleeding.
2. GNC Fenugreek
Fenugreek is widely known to boost breast milk and I've been consuming since my 5th baby. Before that, I always struggle to keep my milk supply adequate but now, by taking fenugreek regularly (3 in the morning and 3 at night), milk supply is always more than enough! Alhamdulillah! But always remember that the key of successful feeding is breastfeeding on demand and regularly, You cannot simply rely on supplement alone.
3. GNC Women's Ultra Mega
I've been using this product since my 3rd baby, Darwisyah, that was during 2007. It's the best confinement product that takes care inner and outer of a postnatal woman. They've been upgrading their product this year and it is so much easier to use and I can guarantee you the best result! I warn you, even you're husband would be tempted to 'touch' you. Hehehe... It costs around RM430+- for one set (can't remember the exact price) and you have to buy the Pati Haruan together which cost around RM30+-. When you drink the Pati Haruan, you can feel your uterus contacts strongly, to fasten the process of shrinking. Bear in mind that a woman's original uterus is the size of a fist and during our pregnancy, the uterus grows bigger and bigger to accomodate our baby. Breastfeeding really helps a lot to shrink the uterus faster and it also shortens the length of time of our postnatal bleeding.
2. GNC Fenugreek
Fenugreek is widely known to boost breast milk and I've been consuming since my 5th baby. Before that, I always struggle to keep my milk supply adequate but now, by taking fenugreek regularly (3 in the morning and 3 at night), milk supply is always more than enough! Alhamdulillah! But always remember that the key of successful feeding is breastfeeding on demand and regularly, You cannot simply rely on supplement alone.
3. GNC Women's Ultra Mega
This is a supplement especially made to cater women's nutrients need. It is boost with calcium advance formula that is very important for someone like me who keeps on losing of calcium, which I lose during the continuos process of pregnancy and breastfeeding (10 years of marriage with 7 babies, do the math!).
4. Kacangma (Motherwort)
This is the Chinese's postnatal herbs. It is used to get rid of winds and helps us to get rid of excess water that accumulate during pregnancy too. The way to cook is by frying the leaves without and oil until it is dry enough. Sieve the leaves to get rid of the hard parts. Cut of chicken pieces, blend lots of ginger and mix it with the kacangma. Steam the chicken, kacangma and ginger until it's cook. Add in a little bit of water to make enough broth out of it. The broth tastes so nice and refreshing. Do not add in any flavoring! The Chinese usually adds in Chinese wine to warm the postnatal women. But I'm a Muslim and alcohol is prohibited in Islam but the ginger is enough to warm up my body.
5. Bath herb
These bath herb consists of different kinds of dried leaves. If you have any of these leaves in your backyards, you may dry it and use it to boil your bath herb. The leaves are daun sembung (Blumea balsamifera), serai wangi, daun pandan, daun limau purut. Just boil it in a large pot and mix it with cold water just to make it lukewarm, to make a very refreshing bath for you. I always hear that a postnatal woman cannot wash their hair but in Islam, hygiene is very important. I always wash my self including my hair whenever I feel sticky or not comfortable. Then I blow dry my hair with hair dryer and continue to cover my head like other woman in confinement days. No problem!
6. Bengkung / corset
I use this after I spread Sendayu Tinggi's Tummy Tone (tapal in Malay) on my stomach. I use Sendayu Tinggi's bengkung which cost RM30++ after discount. After 2 weeks, I use the normal corset (Audrey's brand) which is far more easier.
7. Head cover, socks, cardigan/jacket
These are essential garment to be worn during the whole confinement days to keep our body warm.
8. Lactating milk, plain water
I drink Anmum Lacta to produce quality breast milk for my baby besides supplementing me with enough nutrient. Plain water is also important to keep me hydrated.
9. Spirulina, chorella, fish oil
These are also essential supplements to supplement my baby and I with enough nutrient. In fact, if you take Chorella regularly during pregnancy, you will have the cleanest and most nutritional breast milk for your baby! Try it and you will see it yourself! I take Elken's Spirullina, Cosway's Chorella and any brand of Fish Oil.
10. Enough rest
I cook, I clean the house, I do the laundry, I take care of my 7 children during my confinement days but I always make sure to take enough rest to restore my energy.
11. Massage
I've known a very soft spoken, kind middle age lady that's been introduced by my late mum since baby no.2. I've been calling her every time I need a massage and during my confinement days, she will massage me 3 times, during the 7th days, 14th day and the 30th day. Every time I went for my postnatal check up with my gynae, Dr Lee at MCMC, he always praised the condition of my uterus which looks brand new as if there were no kind of pregnancy before. Alhamdulillah. Maybe that makes me very productive.
Everybody have their own way of confinement but this is what I've been doing for all my confinement times. Let me share you a story during my labor of baby Daria, my 7th baby. I went to Miri City Medical Centre at 8pm, after feeling very painful for the whole day. The nurses asked me to fill in the form but before that, they asked me, whether this was my first pregnancy. When I said that this is my 7th child, they quickly rushed to do everything to make sure that I don't end up giving birth over the nurse's counter. They said that usually women with many children will give birth very easily. After laying on the bed in the ward (not yet on labor), one of the nurses asked me,"Kak (sis), everybody out there asked me to ask you what's your secret to maintain looking young and fit, despite heavily pregnant with baby no.7". I answered, "Taking care of yourself during confinement is very crucial or you will look very old before your age if you didn't do it the right way".
I even go out with my family 2 weeks after delivering my baby, and lots of people condemn me for going out during my confinement days but I know my own body and I know how to take care of myself. Insya Allah. So dear readers, this is only a guideline for you. You may follow it exactly the way I do it or adapt it to your own confinement styles.
4. Kacangma (Motherwort)
This is the Chinese's postnatal herbs. It is used to get rid of winds and helps us to get rid of excess water that accumulate during pregnancy too. The way to cook is by frying the leaves without and oil until it is dry enough. Sieve the leaves to get rid of the hard parts. Cut of chicken pieces, blend lots of ginger and mix it with the kacangma. Steam the chicken, kacangma and ginger until it's cook. Add in a little bit of water to make enough broth out of it. The broth tastes so nice and refreshing. Do not add in any flavoring! The Chinese usually adds in Chinese wine to warm the postnatal women. But I'm a Muslim and alcohol is prohibited in Islam but the ginger is enough to warm up my body.
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This photo is taken from Google search |
These bath herb consists of different kinds of dried leaves. If you have any of these leaves in your backyards, you may dry it and use it to boil your bath herb. The leaves are daun sembung (Blumea balsamifera), serai wangi, daun pandan, daun limau purut. Just boil it in a large pot and mix it with cold water just to make it lukewarm, to make a very refreshing bath for you. I always hear that a postnatal woman cannot wash their hair but in Islam, hygiene is very important. I always wash my self including my hair whenever I feel sticky or not comfortable. Then I blow dry my hair with hair dryer and continue to cover my head like other woman in confinement days. No problem!
6. Bengkung / corset
I use this after I spread Sendayu Tinggi's Tummy Tone (tapal in Malay) on my stomach. I use Sendayu Tinggi's bengkung which cost RM30++ after discount. After 2 weeks, I use the normal corset (Audrey's brand) which is far more easier.
7. Head cover, socks, cardigan/jacket
These are essential garment to be worn during the whole confinement days to keep our body warm.
8. Lactating milk, plain water
I drink Anmum Lacta to produce quality breast milk for my baby besides supplementing me with enough nutrient. Plain water is also important to keep me hydrated.
9. Spirulina, chorella, fish oil
These are also essential supplements to supplement my baby and I with enough nutrient. In fact, if you take Chorella regularly during pregnancy, you will have the cleanest and most nutritional breast milk for your baby! Try it and you will see it yourself! I take Elken's Spirullina, Cosway's Chorella and any brand of Fish Oil.
10. Enough rest
I cook, I clean the house, I do the laundry, I take care of my 7 children during my confinement days but I always make sure to take enough rest to restore my energy.
11. Massage
I've known a very soft spoken, kind middle age lady that's been introduced by my late mum since baby no.2. I've been calling her every time I need a massage and during my confinement days, she will massage me 3 times, during the 7th days, 14th day and the 30th day. Every time I went for my postnatal check up with my gynae, Dr Lee at MCMC, he always praised the condition of my uterus which looks brand new as if there were no kind of pregnancy before. Alhamdulillah. Maybe that makes me very productive.
Everybody have their own way of confinement but this is what I've been doing for all my confinement times. Let me share you a story during my labor of baby Daria, my 7th baby. I went to Miri City Medical Centre at 8pm, after feeling very painful for the whole day. The nurses asked me to fill in the form but before that, they asked me, whether this was my first pregnancy. When I said that this is my 7th child, they quickly rushed to do everything to make sure that I don't end up giving birth over the nurse's counter. They said that usually women with many children will give birth very easily. After laying on the bed in the ward (not yet on labor), one of the nurses asked me,"Kak (sis), everybody out there asked me to ask you what's your secret to maintain looking young and fit, despite heavily pregnant with baby no.7". I answered, "Taking care of yourself during confinement is very crucial or you will look very old before your age if you didn't do it the right way".
I even go out with my family 2 weeks after delivering my baby, and lots of people condemn me for going out during my confinement days but I know my own body and I know how to take care of myself. Insya Allah. So dear readers, this is only a guideline for you. You may follow it exactly the way I do it or adapt it to your own confinement styles.
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5 weeks after delivering baby Daria |
Sunday, June 23, 2013
My Hijrah (Hijab) Story
Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh. Alhamdulillah, it's been a week since the first day I fully wear hijab every time I go out. What's the story behind it? Everybody knows that in Islam, the women needs to cover their aurat; everything except the face and palm. My mom is a Chinese and she converted to Islam when she married my father. Our background is not that religious but both of my parents especially my mom tried her very best to instil us with Islam. Thus, covering our hair and head was not compulsory in our family, though it is in Islam.
I wear the hijab during my 5 years of secondary school at Kolej tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang. And I continued to wear it during my 3 years studying Computer Science (Multimedia) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala, Kuala Lumpur campus. That's about it. When I go out, I didn't wear it. Many Muslim girls were like that during that time.
I married my husband as soon as I graduated with my Diploma and I still remember my conversation with my husband when I asked him to stop smoking. He said he will stop but he wanted me to wear the hijab. I told him, I will wear it when I turn to 30 years old. At that time, I was 21 years old. I don't wear short skirt or short pants outside, it's just that I don't cover my head. Until...
Last week, on Saturday, 15th June 2013, I just finished my confinement days after giving birth to my 7th baby. My husband was sleeping after finished packing his stuff. He was going to Johore for Operasi Kastam. He was going for two weeks. I was very worried about his safety because he needs to deal with smuggling and things. I watched him while he was sleeping. He changed earlier this year where he loves to listen to religious talk in the radio, he wants us to pray the 5 prayers in congregation (jemaah). When I told him about the virtues in pregnancy in Islam, he replied, "It's even better if you wear a hijab." I just brushed him off and he didn't bring up the hijab matter again.
So, as I lay down and nursing baby Daria, I kept on watching my husband's face. He seems so peaceful and aging gracefully (he's 10 years older than me). I felt so much in love with him, and I can feel the love empowering me, just by watching him sleeping. I remembered listening to one of the ustaz (can;t remember which ustaz) giving talk in the tv saying,"Whenever you felt like you are out of love or started to hate your spouse, try watch their face while they are sleeping. If you feel nothing, you TRULY don't have any love feeling towards them anymore. But if you feel something, THAT is TRUE LOVE".
I talk to myself. What have I done wrong to my husband? What can I do to show my love to him? Suddenly, out of nowhere, I remember about something that i read from my friend's Facebook's status, It clearly stated about husbands have to carry their wives sins including not covering the aurat because as soon as a Muslim man and woman gets married, the man is responsible to guide his wife and children according to the Islam's way of life and teaching.
A man’s responsibility for taking care of his family is a comprehensive one. Hence, the husband is responsible for his wife's and children's negligence of their religious duties towards Almighty Allah. The Muslim man must be staunch in making his family stick to Allah's teachings in every aspect of their lives.
Responding to your question, Dr. Husam al-Din Ibn Musa `Afana, professor of the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence at the University of Jerusalem, states the following:
“The Muslim man's responsibility for his wife and children is a huge one. In fact, a man's responsibility in that regard starts before marriage. When it comes to marriage, a Muslim man should be keen on choosing a religious and moral woman to marry. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said:"A woman can be married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her beauty, her family status, and her religion. You should marry the religious ones; otherwise, you will be losers." (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Unfortunately, on taking the decision of marriage, many youths pay no attention to the religious aspect of their would-be wives. Instead, they place great importance on the wife’s beauty, family status, career and the like. Only a small number of Muslims care about choosing religious wives and this, in fact, is a great blessing Allah bestows on them.
Hence, Muslim men should be keen on choosing religious wives. This does not mean they are to disregard the other aspects such as beauty and social status. These other aspects are also to be taken into account, but not at the expense of the religious one.
By choosing their wives on a religious basis, men will guarantee that their children will be brought up to be good and religious persons.
This proves that the responsibility of men towards their wives and children is a great one. Allah Almighty says: “O ye who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire whereof the fuel is men and stones, over which are set angels strong, severe, who resist not Allah in that which He commandeth them, but do that which they are commanded.”(At-Tahrim: 6)
According to this verse, men are ordered to protect themselves and their families from the Hellfire. They are to do so by ordering them to abide by the teachings of Islam in all respects of their lives. Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Obey Allah and ward yourselves by not committing the sins He has forbidden. Order your children to stick to the orders of Islam and avoid its prohibitions; this will ward them from the Hellfire.”
Based on this, husbands are to enjoin their wives to dress according to the teachings of Islam. If husbands did not do so, they would be sinful; and if they did, but their wives did not observe this, it would be the wives who would be sinful. The wives then would be regarded as disobedient to Allah’s orders and disobedient to their husbands, for women’s wearing lawful clothes (on going outside their homes) is a religious obligation like prayer and fasting. Allah Almighty says: “O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad)...” (Al-Ahzab: 59).
Men are equally responsible for guiding their children. Muslim fathers are to bring up their children to be true Muslims. They should inculcate in them how to abide by the teachings of Islam, especially regarding prayer, fasting, and good morals. Allah Almighty says: “And enjoin upon thy people worship, and be constant therein.” (Taha: 132).
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “Order your children to perform prayer when they are seven years old, and beat them if they have not adhered to observing it when they become ten.” (Reported by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi.)
Hence, fathers have to teach their children, males and females, the rulings of prayer. To encourage their children further in this respect, fathers can take their sons with them to Mosques when they reach seven, so that they get used to observing the congregational prayer. Likewise, fathers should train their children to perform fasting. This will make it easy for children to observe the acts of worship and obedience when they become legally responsible for them.
If fathers neglect inculcating such teachings in their children from the beginning, it will be difficult for them to reform this when their children grow up.
Therefore, fathers should realize how responsible they are towards their families. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said in that regard: “A man is the guardian of his family and is responsible for them, and a woman is the guardian of her husband's house and is responsible for it…” (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Based on the above, if fathers neglected their duties towards their families in that respect, it would be as if they were throwing their families in the Fire, for they were not keen on protecting them from that end as Allah Almighty ordered them.”
I istighfar and I quickly grabbed my Z10 (mother's day gift from hubby) and googled more about the aurat, husband and wife's responsibility. I even found one website posting about hadith for women:
1) the women who dies when her husband is pleased with her shall enter Jannah. Observe how easily woman may enter Jannah.2) Prophet (s) said that a women engaged in her household duties attains the position of fighting in the path of Allah (jihad)!!!
3) Prophet mentioned, to assist your wives household chores will obtain for you reward of sadaqah. Look how much emphasis is stressed for the giving of comfort to ones wife. The shariah has made it easy for us to attain Jannah.4) Prophet said that women who regularly perform 5 daily salaah and observe there ramadhan, protects her modesty, obeying and fulfilling the wishes of her husband, will enter Jannah through whichever door she pleases.
5) the prophet said Oh women, whenever one of you is impregnated by your husband who is pleased with you, u receive such reward, as one fasting in the path of Allah or remains awake during the night and when she begins labour then the inhabitants of the sky and earth pray for the coolness of her eyes i.e meaning comfort. When she gives birth, then not even one drop of her milk is discharged nor is the child suckled once from her breast but for every drop or suckle she is rewarded, and because of the child she has to stay up at night she gets rewarede for fereeing 70 slaves in the path of Allah.6) for women hajj is there jihad.
7) after finishing breastfeeding her child angels congratulate you on your shoulders and all your previous sins are forgiven.
After that, I googled for online hijab store and I was surprised to see so many types of hijab. Some are according to the syariah and some are not. I promised myself to cover my aurat according to syariah and I don't want to take things for granted. I stop doing research at 2am.
After my husband went to the airport to fly to Johore, I perform the Subuh prayer and I pray to Allah to ease my way to my hijrah. I was still having doubt because I felt that I was going to wear the hijab because of my husband, and not because of Allah. I google about those things to but I succeed to kill those doubts after reading this words by somebody; it's okay to do things that are compulsory in Islam by force because sooner or later you will do it sincerely. I felt so light after reading that because I was 100% sure that I was given guidance (hidayah) by Allah.
I waited for my sister in law to wake up because I remember that she had a friend who has a shop selling muslimah attires. My sister in law was the first person who knew about my intention to wear hijab and she was so happy and agreed to go with me to her friend's shop. Before that, I called my husband. He just arrived at Kuala Lumpur before going to Johore at 4pm. I wanted to tell him on the phone but tears was streaming from my eyes. I didn't know why I felt so emotional and I told him that I have something important to tell him but I coudn't do it by the phone. I texted him. He was very encouraging. I told him that I have to buy hijabs and proper attires and that means that I need to do some serious shopping, and it might not be cheap because literally, I have to buy new wardrobe. My husband tells me that he's ok with it as long as I go on with my hijrah intention.
After lunch, my SIL and I, together with our children (9 of them - 7 from me), went to the shop at Piasau. The shop's name is Le'mari Collection. The owner is my SIL's schoolmate. She's very friendly and helpful and I straight away tell her about my story and she quickly suggests this and that. To cut the story short, I bought 5 hijabs, 5 long sleeves with buttons blouses (easy for me to nurse baby Daria) and one lycra denim skirt. I even bought 3 hijabs for my daughters. All in all, after discount, I paid RM430+-. It is definitely worth it and at that time, I managed to turn off syaitan's sedition, where at one point, I was having doubts about the choice of the blouses. After getting into the car, I felt a very huge relief and I know that I'm doing the right choice. Alhamdulillah.

I have a few advice to my sisters in Islam out there. I know I'm not an ustazah to do this kind of preaching, and it's only been a week since my first hijrah with hijab. But as a Muslim, we need to keep on reminding each other. For those of you who haven't cover their aurat, do the self muhasabah. If you feel like it's not the time, try to do research and some soul searching. Think about your husband and for those who are not married yet, think about your father because he is responsible on your aurat. I don't judge you for not wearing the hijab because I myself just wear it but I feel so grateful that my husband gets to see me wearing the hijab, showing that he is not burden with my sin for not covering my aurat. My love to my husband is priceless and I want to do anything that is parallel to Islam, in order to become a good Muslim wife, who Insya Allah, will become my husband's angel in Jannah. Amin.
Don't wait until your loved ones (husband or father) died because at that time, it will be too late for them and they have to answer Allah the almighty on their wives and daughters wrongdoing, and yes, that includes not covering the aurat.
Thank you ya Allah, for guiding me and giving me the chance to improve myself before it's too late. And thank you so much my dearest husband, for being the best husband that a woman can ask for. I love you so much with all my heart. May Allah bless our family and never stop guiding us. Amin.
I wear the hijab during my 5 years of secondary school at Kolej tun Datu Tuanku Haji Bujang. And I continued to wear it during my 3 years studying Computer Science (Multimedia) at Universiti Teknologi Malaysia Kuala, Kuala Lumpur campus. That's about it. When I go out, I didn't wear it. Many Muslim girls were like that during that time.
I married my husband as soon as I graduated with my Diploma and I still remember my conversation with my husband when I asked him to stop smoking. He said he will stop but he wanted me to wear the hijab. I told him, I will wear it when I turn to 30 years old. At that time, I was 21 years old. I don't wear short skirt or short pants outside, it's just that I don't cover my head. Until...
Last week, on Saturday, 15th June 2013, I just finished my confinement days after giving birth to my 7th baby. My husband was sleeping after finished packing his stuff. He was going to Johore for Operasi Kastam. He was going for two weeks. I was very worried about his safety because he needs to deal with smuggling and things. I watched him while he was sleeping. He changed earlier this year where he loves to listen to religious talk in the radio, he wants us to pray the 5 prayers in congregation (jemaah). When I told him about the virtues in pregnancy in Islam, he replied, "It's even better if you wear a hijab." I just brushed him off and he didn't bring up the hijab matter again.
So, as I lay down and nursing baby Daria, I kept on watching my husband's face. He seems so peaceful and aging gracefully (he's 10 years older than me). I felt so much in love with him, and I can feel the love empowering me, just by watching him sleeping. I remembered listening to one of the ustaz (can;t remember which ustaz) giving talk in the tv saying,"Whenever you felt like you are out of love or started to hate your spouse, try watch their face while they are sleeping. If you feel nothing, you TRULY don't have any love feeling towards them anymore. But if you feel something, THAT is TRUE LOVE".
I talk to myself. What have I done wrong to my husband? What can I do to show my love to him? Suddenly, out of nowhere, I remember about something that i read from my friend's Facebook's status, It clearly stated about husbands have to carry their wives sins including not covering the aurat because as soon as a Muslim man and woman gets married, the man is responsible to guide his wife and children according to the Islam's way of life and teaching.
A man’s responsibility for taking care of his family is a comprehensive one. Hence, the husband is responsible for his wife's and children's negligence of their religious duties towards Almighty Allah. The Muslim man must be staunch in making his family stick to Allah's teachings in every aspect of their lives.
Responding to your question, Dr. Husam al-Din Ibn Musa `Afana, professor of the Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence at the University of Jerusalem, states the following:
“The Muslim man's responsibility for his wife and children is a huge one. In fact, a man's responsibility in that regard starts before marriage. When it comes to marriage, a Muslim man should be keen on choosing a religious and moral woman to marry. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said:"A woman can be married for four things, i.e., her wealth, her beauty, her family status, and her religion. You should marry the religious ones; otherwise, you will be losers." (Reported by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Unfortunately, on taking the decision of marriage, many youths pay no attention to the religious aspect of their would-be wives. Instead, they place great importance on the wife’s beauty, family status, career and the like. Only a small number of Muslims care about choosing religious wives and this, in fact, is a great blessing Allah bestows on them.
Hence, Muslim men should be keen on choosing religious wives. This does not mean they are to disregard the other aspects such as beauty and social status. These other aspects are also to be taken into account, but not at the expense of the religious one.
By choosing their wives on a religious basis, men will guarantee that their children will be brought up to be good and religious persons.
This proves that the responsibility of men towards their wives and children is a great one. Allah Almighty says: “O ye who believe! Ward off from yourselves and your families a Fire whereof the fuel is men and stones, over which are set angels strong, severe, who resist not Allah in that which He commandeth them, but do that which they are commanded.”(At-Tahrim: 6)
According to this verse, men are ordered to protect themselves and their families from the Hellfire. They are to do so by ordering them to abide by the teachings of Islam in all respects of their lives. Ibn `Abbas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: “Obey Allah and ward yourselves by not committing the sins He has forbidden. Order your children to stick to the orders of Islam and avoid its prohibitions; this will ward them from the Hellfire.”
Based on this, husbands are to enjoin their wives to dress according to the teachings of Islam. If husbands did not do so, they would be sinful; and if they did, but their wives did not observe this, it would be the wives who would be sinful. The wives then would be regarded as disobedient to Allah’s orders and disobedient to their husbands, for women’s wearing lawful clothes (on going outside their homes) is a religious obligation like prayer and fasting. Allah Almighty says: “O Prophet! Tell thy wives and thy daughters and the women of the believers to draw their cloaks close round them (when they go abroad)...” (Al-Ahzab: 59).
Men are equally responsible for guiding their children. Muslim fathers are to bring up their children to be true Muslims. They should inculcate in them how to abide by the teachings of Islam, especially regarding prayer, fasting, and good morals. Allah Almighty says: “And enjoin upon thy people worship, and be constant therein.” (Taha: 132).
The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) is reported to have said: “Order your children to perform prayer when they are seven years old, and beat them if they have not adhered to observing it when they become ten.” (Reported by Abu Dawud and At-Tirmidhi.)
Hence, fathers have to teach their children, males and females, the rulings of prayer. To encourage their children further in this respect, fathers can take their sons with them to Mosques when they reach seven, so that they get used to observing the congregational prayer. Likewise, fathers should train their children to perform fasting. This will make it easy for children to observe the acts of worship and obedience when they become legally responsible for them.
If fathers neglect inculcating such teachings in their children from the beginning, it will be difficult for them to reform this when their children grow up.
Therefore, fathers should realize how responsible they are towards their families. The Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) said in that regard: “A man is the guardian of his family and is responsible for them, and a woman is the guardian of her husband's house and is responsible for it…” (Agreed upon by Al-Bukhari and Muslim.)
Based on the above, if fathers neglected their duties towards their families in that respect, it would be as if they were throwing their families in the Fire, for they were not keen on protecting them from that end as Allah Almighty ordered them.”
I istighfar and I quickly grabbed my Z10 (mother's day gift from hubby) and googled more about the aurat, husband and wife's responsibility. I even found one website posting about hadith for women:
1) the women who dies when her husband is pleased with her shall enter Jannah. Observe how easily woman may enter Jannah.2) Prophet (s) said that a women engaged in her household duties attains the position of fighting in the path of Allah (jihad)!!!
3) Prophet mentioned, to assist your wives household chores will obtain for you reward of sadaqah. Look how much emphasis is stressed for the giving of comfort to ones wife. The shariah has made it easy for us to attain Jannah.4) Prophet said that women who regularly perform 5 daily salaah and observe there ramadhan, protects her modesty, obeying and fulfilling the wishes of her husband, will enter Jannah through whichever door she pleases.
5) the prophet said Oh women, whenever one of you is impregnated by your husband who is pleased with you, u receive such reward, as one fasting in the path of Allah or remains awake during the night and when she begins labour then the inhabitants of the sky and earth pray for the coolness of her eyes i.e meaning comfort. When she gives birth, then not even one drop of her milk is discharged nor is the child suckled once from her breast but for every drop or suckle she is rewarded, and because of the child she has to stay up at night she gets rewarede for fereeing 70 slaves in the path of Allah.6) for women hajj is there jihad.
7) after finishing breastfeeding her child angels congratulate you on your shoulders and all your previous sins are forgiven.
After that, I googled for online hijab store and I was surprised to see so many types of hijab. Some are according to the syariah and some are not. I promised myself to cover my aurat according to syariah and I don't want to take things for granted. I stop doing research at 2am.
After my husband went to the airport to fly to Johore, I perform the Subuh prayer and I pray to Allah to ease my way to my hijrah. I was still having doubt because I felt that I was going to wear the hijab because of my husband, and not because of Allah. I google about those things to but I succeed to kill those doubts after reading this words by somebody; it's okay to do things that are compulsory in Islam by force because sooner or later you will do it sincerely. I felt so light after reading that because I was 100% sure that I was given guidance (hidayah) by Allah.
I waited for my sister in law to wake up because I remember that she had a friend who has a shop selling muslimah attires. My sister in law was the first person who knew about my intention to wear hijab and she was so happy and agreed to go with me to her friend's shop. Before that, I called my husband. He just arrived at Kuala Lumpur before going to Johore at 4pm. I wanted to tell him on the phone but tears was streaming from my eyes. I didn't know why I felt so emotional and I told him that I have something important to tell him but I coudn't do it by the phone. I texted him. He was very encouraging. I told him that I have to buy hijabs and proper attires and that means that I need to do some serious shopping, and it might not be cheap because literally, I have to buy new wardrobe. My husband tells me that he's ok with it as long as I go on with my hijrah intention.
After lunch, my SIL and I, together with our children (9 of them - 7 from me), went to the shop at Piasau. The shop's name is Le'mari Collection. The owner is my SIL's schoolmate. She's very friendly and helpful and I straight away tell her about my story and she quickly suggests this and that. To cut the story short, I bought 5 hijabs, 5 long sleeves with buttons blouses (easy for me to nurse baby Daria) and one lycra denim skirt. I even bought 3 hijabs for my daughters. All in all, after discount, I paid RM430+-. It is definitely worth it and at that time, I managed to turn off syaitan's sedition, where at one point, I was having doubts about the choice of the blouses. After getting into the car, I felt a very huge relief and I know that I'm doing the right choice. Alhamdulillah.

I have a few advice to my sisters in Islam out there. I know I'm not an ustazah to do this kind of preaching, and it's only been a week since my first hijrah with hijab. But as a Muslim, we need to keep on reminding each other. For those of you who haven't cover their aurat, do the self muhasabah. If you feel like it's not the time, try to do research and some soul searching. Think about your husband and for those who are not married yet, think about your father because he is responsible on your aurat. I don't judge you for not wearing the hijab because I myself just wear it but I feel so grateful that my husband gets to see me wearing the hijab, showing that he is not burden with my sin for not covering my aurat. My love to my husband is priceless and I want to do anything that is parallel to Islam, in order to become a good Muslim wife, who Insya Allah, will become my husband's angel in Jannah. Amin.
Don't wait until your loved ones (husband or father) died because at that time, it will be too late for them and they have to answer Allah the almighty on their wives and daughters wrongdoing, and yes, that includes not covering the aurat.
Thank you ya Allah, for guiding me and giving me the chance to improve myself before it's too late. And thank you so much my dearest husband, for being the best husband that a woman can ask for. I love you so much with all my heart. May Allah bless our family and never stop guiding us. Amin.
Monday, June 10, 2013
Diva Sardine Roll and Sausage Roll
Assalamualaikum and hello readers. It's been half a year since my last post. Super busy with my hectic life. I just gave birth to a very healthy preemie Daria Basharah Buna last 15 May 2013. I will write a post on my newest addition in our family. But right now, I would like to share with you an easy recipe that can be made in 15 minutes or more, depending on how many you make. It's yummy, simple, cheap and most importantly, the kids would love it and suitable for their ration to school.
Diva Sardine Roll and Sausage Roll.
Bread (1 loaf) - add more if needed
Sardine (1 can, Smiling Fish brand is the best) - stir fry with onion and chillies
Sausage - quantity depends on how many you want
2 eggs (add more if needed) - whisk briefly in a bowl
2 tbsp flour mix with enough water, not too light not too thick, to paste the bread
1. With a rolling pin, roll the bread to make it thin and flat, but don't roll it too hard or the bread will break.
2. Put one tablespoon of the sardine in the middle and roll the bread and paste it with the flour mixture.
3. Dip inside the egg batter but don't soak it or else it will become too soagy.
4. Deep fry til light brown.
5. The same process goes with the sausage. One sausage in one piece of bread.
6. Serve immediately.
Diva Sardine Roll and Sausage Roll.
Bread (1 loaf) - add more if needed
Sardine (1 can, Smiling Fish brand is the best) - stir fry with onion and chillies
Sausage - quantity depends on how many you want
2 eggs (add more if needed) - whisk briefly in a bowl
2 tbsp flour mix with enough water, not too light not too thick, to paste the bread
1. With a rolling pin, roll the bread to make it thin and flat, but don't roll it too hard or the bread will break.
2. Put one tablespoon of the sardine in the middle and roll the bread and paste it with the flour mixture.
3. Dip inside the egg batter but don't soak it or else it will become too soagy.
4. Deep fry til light brown.
5. The same process goes with the sausage. One sausage in one piece of bread.
6. Serve immediately.
Friday, January 18, 2013
Diva Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcake
I made these yummy creamy cupcakes for our tea break. I made a dozen for each batch and by the time I baked the second batch, 10 cupcakes had been eaten by the children. It is surely a hit! I googled the recipe but the original recipe calls for oil and water but I substitute it with butter and milk to make it more creamier.
Diva Chocolate Cream Cheese Cupcake
Cream cheese filling:
250gm cream cheese
1/3 cup sugar
1 egg
1. Beat all the ingredients till creamy. Put aside.
1/2 butter
3/4 cup sugar
2 cups flour
1 cup chocolate chips
1 1/2 cup milk
1 tsp baking soda
1/4 cup cocoa powder
1. Beat butter and sugar.
2. Add in milk. Mix well.
3. Add in flour, baking powder, chocolate chips and cocoa powder. Mix well.
4. Ready the cups on the cupcake tray. This cupcake batter is not runny and you can easily scoop 1 tbsp cupcake batter and 1 tbsp cream cheese filling. Bake for about 20-25 minutes in 180 degrees celsius oven. I use my microwave using the baking cookies auto menu.
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Sirloin steak with grilled potato, tomatao and asparagus with creamy beef steak rosemary sauce Diva style.
I made this for our lunch today, with my 6 months old AIFA by ELBA stove. The recipe is very easy and you can just throw any vegetables that you want to suit your taste. The sauce of course can be easily bought in packets, just add in cream to make it creamier. I bought most of the imported stuff such as the seasoning, herb and walnut oil from Supa Save, Seria, Brunei DS.
Sirloin steak with grilled potato, tomatao and asparagus with creamy beef steak rosemary sauce Diva style.
Sirloin steak, cut into desired sizes
Any brand of beef steak sauce
Robertson's Texan sizzling steak seasoning
MasterFoods's Garlic and Herb salt
Walnut Oil
1. Rub the sirloin steak with Texan sizzling salt and marinate it for about an hour or 2.
2. Rub the potatoes, asparagus and tomato with butter and the Masterfood's Garlic and Herb salt. Leave it for 1/2 hour then grill it in the oven, according to your oven's grill temperature for vegetables.
3. After 1 hour, pan fry the steak with hot fire for about 3 minutes each side then transfer it to the oven. Sizzle with a little bit of walnut oil or olive oil before you grill it. Grill it till cook to your likeness; rare, medium, well done.
4. For the sauce, cook according to the instruction per packet but add cream into it to make it creamier and season well to perfection. I use Maggi's Cukup Rasa.
5. Assemble all in a plate and ready to be serve.
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